/law/ - the law

everyone has their own unspoken interpretation of the rules. i don't intend for the deliberations of this forum to be binding, instead it functions more as a way to get everyone on similar pages, and to give the moderators a way to gauge the general sentiments of the site. i'll make a few threads as starting points
Anonymous## opworm
cool, thanks for making this. it's a good idea
first we need to establish rule of law and separation of power and democratically elected representatives


「digital self harm」

venting can be a productive way to work through negative emotions, but it can put a great emotional burden on others. it's also easy for online communities structured around negativity to cultivate a deep sense of self-loathing
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disinformation (intentional) and misinformation (unintentional) is a matter of concern in our world today. its important to limit the spread of falsehood without unfairly biasing any perspectives
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- should some boards be safe spaces from political discussion?
- how should we deal with tripfren drama and gossip?
- should we err on the side of truth or freedom?



...and it sucks because, these people, they don't understand comedy. of course not. okay, we're joking. it's not that serious guys. they're jokes, okay? it's not that serious. we're joking around, all right? and also... we as comedians are philosophers. yes, dude. lenny bruce, richard pryor. we hold up a mirror, or a... we are important, history-changing cultural figures, and you need to recognize that...
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- does the identity of the comic affect whether a joke is nice or not?
- how much charitability should we lend to jokes in poor taste (especially from new users)?
- is linking edgy bits from 'problematic' comedians okay, even if we might not consider it nice if it came from one of our anons?



most people get horny, but horny is uncomfortable to view when you're turned off. additionally, as the site gets bigger, it's unfortunately inevitable that some underage users will be able to evade bans
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- does freedom of speech fit into this?
- should fetishes be treated differently?
- being horny with other users, can this ever be okay?