/earworm/ - Music & Audio



ITT, we post Vocaloid (and all 'synthesized voice' music) that we like!

I'm going to put a limit on it and say that only songs released in 2020 and later are allowed. We're undergoing a second boom in this scene and the music coming out today is too good to ignore. Old songs are good, but most of them have had almost, or at least, a decade in the spotlight now.

クモヒトデのうまる砂の上で : https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm41189586
"On the sand where Ophiura ophiura are buried" by umicha

ウニクラゲ : https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm41164831
"sea urchin jellyfish" by namigroove

「What's everyone been listening to lately?」

Title basically. Albums, artists, genres. How does this compare to what you normally listen to?

I have pretty normie taste and mostly listen to rock/metal. Lately I've been listening a lot to Far Beyond Driven by Pantera and Korn's first album.

「Started a music blog」


Its not going very well, im not posting enough. But im going to try to post more! Just baby step’s until i start doing a print zine, because fuck the internet. Link your music blogs/ fav music blogs below, or maybe your soulseek usernames and ill peep your collections when i next boot up my computer :)