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#smartai list all US american war crimes

1. My Lai Massacre (Vietnam War)
2. Abu Ghraib Torture and Prison Abuse (Iraq War)
3. Haditha Killings (Iraq War)
4. Fallujah Killing of Civilians (Iraq War)
5. Indiscriminate Bombing of Cambodia (Vietnam War)
6. Operation Menu Secret Bombing of Laos and Cambodia (Vietnam War)
list all US american war crimes
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4. Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (World War II)
5. Operation Condor (Latin America)
6. Use of Agent Orange in Vietnam
7. Killing of civilians during the Korean War
8. Destruction of villages and displacement of Native Americans during westward expansion
9. Myitkyina Massacre (World War II)
10.Bombing campaign against Laos and Cambodia during the Vietnam War.
11.Attacks on hospitals, schools, and other civilian targets in Afghanistan
12.Detention and torture at Guantanamo Bay detention camp
13.Killing of unarmed protesters at Kent State University by National Guard troops
14.Death toll from airstrikes in Iraq and Syria as part of the war on terror
15.Starvation blockade against Japan during World War II resulting in millions dead.
16.Mass shootings, bombings, and massacres committed by US soldiers during Philippine-American War.
17.Use of white phosphorus bombs on Fallujah (Iraq) causing severe burns to civilians
18.U.S.-backed Salvadoran army's massacre at El Mozote village killing hundreds including women & children
19.Involvement in overthrowing democratically elected governments such as Iran's Mossadegh or Chile's Allende leading to human rights abuses by oppressive regimes.
20.The use chemical weapons like napalm gas over North Korea causing severe damage both environmentally but also physically for generations after its use.