/meta/ - meta



Anonymous## opwormopen
welcome to the pre-alpha. please post general feedback and comments here
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Anonymous## opworm
and yeah the backend is Go and the frontend is TypeScript
ever plan to open source or publish your fork of it somewhere?
Anonymous## opworm
for a variety of reasons (not necessarily [only] the ones you may think), we've decided to keep it permanently closed source


「big update announcement」

Anonymous## opwormopen
v0.0.2 of the site will likely be deployed within the next few days or weeks. I'll probably update this thread a few hours before it rolls out

this will be a very big update and it is very likely the update will completely break the site in many ways. the site may be unusable for a few days as I work on fixing all the new bugs

once those bugs are fixed and the site is stable again, another update with significant wormlang additions will be released some days or weeks after that. that update should break fewer things
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stop "fixing" bugs.
Mankind knew that they could not change society, so instead of reflecting on themselves, they blamed the worms.

What did zhe mean by this?
Anonymous## opworm
sorry for the delays. update should be coming within like a month probably
Anonymous## opworm
- reverted back to only showing the last 3 thread posts when on a board index

- swapped the hotkeys for quoting a post and quoting a post + its text. shift+click a post to quote its post number and alt+click a post to quote its post number and its text


「file changes」

Anonymous## opwormopen
I'm experimenting with some file changes:

- filenames are no longer displayed

- for video and audio media, metadata like the duration will still be displayed

- to quickly download a file, Shift+click it
Anonymous## opworm
I'm also considering possibly increasing the size of thumbnails a little bit

thank you for your hard work, opworm and trips like Recima and mar and mekksposter
aww, thank you!
Anonymous## opworm
fyi the raiders spammed glegle.army all over every 4chan board. the link is now filtered on 4chan and all links have been deleted, including the original links from a few days ago


「banner suggestions」

Anonymous## opwormopen
don't forget you can set rotating banners for your board

please suggest banners to include on the front page. banners must be 300x100 image or soundless WEBM files