rulesBe cozy, leave your stresses of the day elsewhere.

I think it's mostly fine, except I can't seem to upload banners
Uhhh, you might want to see this
nothin, it says it's successful but nothing changes
Anonymous## opworm
can you see if it works when trying to upload the same banners to another board?
weirdly enough, I can also submit none as the banner for /cozy/, but as soon as I upload a new banner, it just shows the old (current) one again.
Anonymous## opworm
ok, I think this is due to a caching issue and will likely happen for all boards. looking into a good solution...
Anonymous## opworm
ok, the next big update will properly fix this. for now, next time you change banners, update the board config in any way (e.g. add some more white space to the board CSS), and the banner cache should refresh
will do, thank you opworm <3

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