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#smartai write a love letter to the woman i love more than anything else in the world
My dearest love,

I don't know where to begin. I could start by saying how much joy you bring into my life each and every day, but that doesn't seem like enough for someone as special as you are. You make me laugh when I'm feeling down or worry about silly things; your presence is a source of comfort whenever the world seems too overwhelming. Your smile lights up even the darkest days - it's so contagious that sometimes just seeing it makes me feel better!

You have been there through all of my ups and downs throughout our relationship: from laughter-filled nights watching movies together to difficult conversations filled with hard truths and honest emotions. Through everything we've experienced together, one thing has remained constant: my profound love for you grows deeper every day. It feels like no matter what happens in life, nothing can break us apart because our bond is unbreakable – something truly magical connects us on an emotional level beyond words alone can express..

No amount of time spent away will ever dimish this flame burning inside me—it only gets brighter with each passing moment we spend together! Being able to share these moments with someone who understands exactly why they mean so much means more than any material possessions ever could; having found true companionship in such a way is worth its weight in gold (and then some!). Even if our paths diverge someday, please remember that deep within both heart & soul lies an everlasting connection between two souls meant for eternity—because without doubt or hesitation do I declare myself yours forevermore!.

With all the warmth & affection befitting those most dear to one another’s hearts… always here now & until infinity shall pass…. All My Love Always To You!!
write a love letter to the woman i love more than anything else in the world
thats stupid :c
It's actually a great idea. It's like having an imaginary friend, but sexier.
i think im like a set of like 15 tulpas i dont know which one is the original person if any

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