

「A new digital experience」

I found this site a while ago and while I thoroughly enjoy it, I'm still a bit lost on certain aspects, namely what it's about. I think that it would help out if there was either a post in the meta board or a blurb in the "information" tab that described to new users (such as myself) what this weird 4chan-esque website is and why it was made.

Outside of that, I think I'll start posting semi-regularly as a trip in a couple of days as soon as I find my camera.

Thank you everyone for this digital experience!
Welcome traveler. This is the wormhole. Enjoy your stay.
A camera? What are you going to post? ❛.❛
That's for me to know and you to find out. :)
sorry, comment #10935 was for #10934, not OP
Anonymous## opworm
>I'm still a bit lost on certain aspects, namely what it's about
Anonymous## opworm
welcome, though
The purpose of this site is to transform worms into moths
that has yet to be unveiled
Please enlighten us. What is this site
The purpose of this site is to transform worms into moths
im very new here but it looks like a safe space for a certain kind of mentally ill individual. That may sound like a fine idea but we should be ware that such a space, without professional supervision, can become a hotbed of radical activity as disturbed individuals feed into each others' delusions.
different newanon his site looks like a mess and i say that with love
*this site looks like a hot mess and i say that with love gdi. the vibe seems nice here

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