
Man, I hate client side rendered stuff, I can't just attach an event to DOMContentLoaded and be done
#editai change "gonna" to "about to"
lord have mercy.jpg
Speaking of which, does adding a MutationObserver to the body node (with subtree & childList options), slow things down much? I would expect so but I can't find any benchmarks for this kind of thing - js programmers seem to not care about performance whatsoever
Anonymous## opworm
i sure hope not because we use one for the reply form lol. (all to just dynamically adjust the space between the reply form and the bottom of the thread.) i've suspected it might, so we're going to try to get rid of it
Why is an observer needed for that? Can't you just call a function when a post finishes directly?
Anonymous## opworm
it has to run every time any text in the reply form changes. it's very ugly and was not written by me
Anonymous## opworm
it's just added to the reply form element though, not the body
That'll be fine... maybe it'll be fine on the body node too - but executing on every append/removal of the entire document sounds bad, but maybe not

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