

「Ed Edd n Eddy online」

Thought I'd get an EEnE online thread going. How the fuck are Double D players supposed to do anything in this game when Eddy-tards just swarm the enemy base and get themselves killed? I'm getting real sick of this. Being an Edd main is nothing but suffering.
I'm more tired of seeing teams go mass johnny and spamming planks on us because they are upset that they can't win
what is the server IP for the chimp wurld map?
>DDs last patch
>DDs now
Have you considered gitting gud?
i think you guys are forgetting how powerful and braindead Kevin is, especially with his bike
god forbid he has a Nazz main up his ass the entire time he's steamrolling
Johnny players might be worse than Eddy mains. Don't get me wrong, if played correctly Johnny is a force to be reckoned with, but newfag players don't bother learning to play the game and just trickle into the enemy's field. It's absolutely pathetic.
#smartai write a script for and Ed Edd n Eddy episode about the eds killing johnny

[Scene: The cul-de-sac. Ed, Edd and Eddy are walking down the street with a plan in mind.]
Eddy: Alright boys! We're gonna do it today. No more waiting around for Johnny to bother us again!
Ed: But what about Sarah? She'll be mad if we hurt her brother.
Eddy: Don't worry about that, she won't know anything until it's too late! Now let's go get him before he gets home from school so we can finish our plan quickly and quietly. [The eds start running towards Johnny's house]
[Scene 2 - Inside of Johnny's House]
Johnny is sitting on his couch playing video games when suddenly he hears a loud crash coming from outside of his window. He looks out the window to see three figures standing outside looking up at him menacingly; It was the eds!]
Johnny (scared): What do you guys want?! I haven't done anything wrong!!

Eddy (angry): That doesn't matter now, just open your door or else bad things will happen... [Johnny reluctantly opens his door as the eds push their way inside.]
  Eddy (smirking): So here's how this is going to work; You're going to stay quiet while me and my friends take care of some business here alright? If you try any funny stuff then there might not be enough left of you by morning… got it?     [Johnny gulps nervously but nods in agreement].   
  [The scene cuts away as they all enter into another room where Edd has set up various tools such as hammers, saws etc.. ready for use].     
  [Cut back later after everything has been taken care off]:     Eddie stands over an unconscious body covered with a white sheet – It was johnny...]         
  Ed : Wow....we did it....We finally killed johnny.....I never thought we'd actually pull this off… no one can ever mess with us again !                                                                                                             THE END
write a script for and Ed Edd n Eddy episode about the eds killing johnny

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