
i told this to florist already; but i think we need to start advertising more to reddit trannies (tgcj and 4tran)

it'll both widen our audience a bit for people who aren't tttters, and it'll give us a just generally less brainwormed demographic (which; despite the name of the site, is actually probably a good thing)
>less brainwormed
is brainworm fully filtered on all of 4chan? wow lol
Anonymous## opworm
at least one of the domains is and i assume they all will be soon if they aren't already
>>324061 many discord transes, as well as other small imageboards
a lot of people like the design and color scheme
this design rules wtf you talking about
ttttrans and 4tran are melting down rn so might work lol
wtf is happening there, haven't been there for ages
Idk how 2 grow this syte but I totes want it 2 grow meow meow meow this syte is gewd mew and deserves to grow =^_^=o7
snurly is banned from 4chan. i told her she should post here instead but she says the userbase is too small
a lot of trans people are on twitter, reddit, and tiktok. maybe some posts in those places showing off the board. market it with social media idk
discord trannies vs reddit transes vs 4chan tranners...
I am a world famous memeist and I would like to share my thoughts please.
I have tried to meme with glegle but I don't think it's very memetic.
It's just a plain, uncolored head profile designed to represent and promote (i'll just say) some sort of political effort.
but the profile is uninspired and boring.
Does the glegle have an image with a body ? I don't know what to do with glegle.
this whole meme kinda is like just another cookie cutter meme idea spit out by the machine to further the political efforts. it's like a joke which was taken too far.
as a world famous memeist im inclined to agree. glegle is cute but they don't really represent anything. i like glegle tho and i like forced unfunny memes. that was my style and it served me well.
I am a mere internet nobody, who rarely even gets (You)s, and I have opted to deal with the Gle's lack of a strong theme/message by not worrying about it and just using them as a pleasant reaction image. Something to sweeten up my replies to various topics. the character gets much more positive feedback this way, though it is a slow and quiet method.
>Does the glegle have an image with a body ?
if you want to advertise on reddit you should do it soon. they are killing third party apps at the start of july, which means a lot of people are looking to leave the website. also, a lot of subreddits, including r/gaysoundsshitposts, are going to close on june 12th and may never reopen due to moderators not being able to mod without those third party apps.
do you have any other specific subreddit recommendations? especially ones that seem to have a low percentage of under-18 users
there's the ones which have been mentioned already. other than those the only subs I know with a notable trans population are r/generictranssubreddit, which is almost dead, r/foreverbox, which has reasonably quality users but is about mental health posting specifically, and r/theratempire, which is mostly for hornyposting and is probably the least quality. but tbh if there were places on reddit to talk with trans people who weren't kinda annoying I wouldn't be hanging out on altchans.
there's also r/transtrans
I'm new here, is bury pink a mascot sorta like esfores?
cool. pls link it to friends of yours if you can too

bury pink isn't exactly a mascot but she's just posted a lot here
alr cool. I'm an avid s4s user so I was surprised to see her here
or not really secret but rather like half of people are coincidentally s4s users despite this place never being linked on s4s

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