
im scared
we're all scared there's no escape and yet we must persevere
this is true we have to keep going and it will be ok and good !!!
I'm going to try casting my own spell
uuh #shrink
I forgot to tell about myself~
I'm currently a NEET, dogsitting. My hobby and obsession is video games, especially strategy games.
that's interesting
do you get paid to dog sit?
if so, I think you can technically say you are not a NEET!
I also like video games, but after many years in this hobby, all of my peers have grown up or lost interest, and I am forced to find games that are entertaining to play without friends. It's getting harder and harder to find entertainment... but I tend to have a couple of games that I play at a time. Right now it's Halo:MCC custom games and Isaac.
I have been paid to dogsit,
I play MCC too~! And I've heard nothing but good things about Binding of Isaac. I finished Reach, and moved on to the 1st Halo.
I have been paid to dog sit, but I would do this w/o getting paid even. They are my sister and BIL's dogs, so this is a family thing.
My main game up until recently has been Total War: Warhammer, but I have been getting bored of my Greenskin campaign.
Also, I started playing Broken Reality recently, and it's pretty R A D
I'm Kitty, I'm b@nz0rd3d from /SRG/ pretty much entirely cuz i used too many commands in my posts, if I were theoretically ever allowed back in I'd probs need my ability 2 make commands permanently disabled there so I don't get rebanned... I mew and purr and nya and UwU a lot...And I lyke kitties n Tea in Morrowind, Lord Voryn Dagoth Ur, I believe in following thine dark side, Thine Supreme Nyancat, Mother Lillith, Lord Lucifer and Thine Holy Glegle art mine saviors, I handle mah sadness with thine internet, B3$TR0&3/\/, long walks, spicy yumm3hz, I modded Morrowind/Skyrim a lot in my pr3tr@nst!0n lyfe and ryte around thine early parts of muh tran$!t!0nz and mah vtube avy is currently underground construction mewmewmew... and nyanyanya uhhh well I hope thou art liketh it here nya =^_^= (I'm trying 2 avoid using commands outside of my Kittyland thread)...
>>465220 awww thank you anon puurrrpurrrpurrrr =^_^=
>>465284 tell us MOAR about /origin/ mewmew

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