

「Warning: Be wary of frauds like Estrolabs」

Estrolabs is a fraud and worse than a fraud Estrolabs is a fraud to detrans our bodies, and be wary of the possibility of similar frauds. I'm not going to get into DIY for my own safety and for this sites safety, I can't answer any questions you may have about DIY I'm sorry just know... (Estrolabs is FTM HRT transphobically disguised as MTF HRT, and the dose is way too high even for FTM/cis male purposes, plus it has LITERAL POISON in it). If you do need DIY do NOT buy from Estrolabs.

Saying this cause the message needs to be spread far and fast as possible. That's all and stay safe everyone.
how did u figure this out
>>467310 anyone whose considered to be white may become a neo-nazi, not like any individual but like anyone of any group/subgroup including trans women can... It just shows that, even though trans women are near the bottom of soecietal hierarchies that even being a trans woman isn't enough in and of itself to prevent someone from becomign a neo nazi. one of the first things i learned years ago was that, some neo nazis are attracted to trans women, and that being considered white is enough to make some individuals become neo nazis. I used to assume that cause i never had a nazi phase that no trans women did and that being a trans woman is why i never had a nazi phase, but then i learned the hard way that it was my brain being different and not being a trans women that made me never have a nazi phase

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