


ITT, we post Vocaloid (and all 'synthesized voice' music) that we like!

I'm going to put a limit on it and say that only songs released in 2020 and later are allowed. We're undergoing a second boom in this scene and the music coming out today is too good to ignore. Old songs are good, but most of them have had almost, or at least, a decade in the spotlight now.

クモヒトデのうまる砂の上で :
"On the sand where Ophiura ophiura are buried" by umicha

ウニクラゲ :
"sea urchin jellyfish" by namigroove
links aren't visible on the homepage, but you can view them by clicking into "earworm"
Anonymous## opworm
i'll fix this soon
ive been listening ot this song a lot, its very pleasant sounding, ,it makes me want to try ambien, even though i know it blacks u out so itd do nothing
That song is so good. In English, it’d be called
Fuck, not sure what happened there… mobile issue? regardless, it’d be called “Let’s take our medicine and sleep.” The vibes are incredible. I feel like it was inspired by the works of iyowa who you should definitely listen to if you haven’t yet, specifically their song きゅきゅらりん。
I haven't I'll give them a listen! Thank you.
Oh, I didn't recognize the letters so I didn't look it up before I posted. I love Kyu-kurarin
I'm glad you've heard of it!! Really fun song!
iyowa's "heat abnormal" ranked #1 in the last Vocaloid Collection, too. I love that song.
Vocaloid thread? lets fucking gooo
Probably not to everyone's tastes but I think i'll signal boost a good ol' ghost song
And here is Astrophysic's collection of Miku covers!
Three of my favorite artists:

smiling broadly - [YouTube]
formerly known as Twinkle Park, an incategorizable mix of emo, dreampop, and whatever shit the SEGA Sound Team was smoking when they made any of the sonic soundtracks

ippo.tsk - [YouTube]
really good noise rock with cute electronic elements on top

Nakanoise - [YouTube]
melancholic noise rock, also the only JP language artist on this list
this scratches an itch i had for years that i didn't know i had until now. thank u

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