/b/ - randumb XD

good point


「my gf thought i was gay after we had sex」

so me and my gf were having sex at her house, but her parents came, so we had to be quiet.

i was going fast and rough that.. my balls slaps her crotch and it makes this clapping sound. it's not that loud, but it's noticable, and anyone with ears would know that that's the sound of two people having sex.

I tried to go slow, but she don't want me to slow down. So to stop my balls from hitting her crotch, while we were in the doggystyle position, I kind of tugged my balls from the back and pulled it gently between my legs (see image)

it was a success, we don't make as much sound now, and as an added bonus, the ball tug made my boner hard, similar to what a cock ring does.

After sex, she goes silent and then cried. I tried to comfort her and asked her what's wrong. She assured me first that whatever happens she loves me wholeheartedly and that she accepts me. I was really clueless to what she meant by that, so I asked if is it about how we do it, if is it about how I have sex with her.

She took a very deep sigh and asked if I was gay, because she thought I was fingering my ass while we were having sex.
She even brought up if I wanted to be pegged, which made me cringe.

It was really a funny moment. I never thought I'd ever have that conversation.
[ 44 ]
and I'm scared that I might be the cause why this happens to her :<
just a quick rant :< sorry about that
sounds like she should go to a doctor


「Recima's Baking Blog Chapter 1: White Chocolate Chip Cookies」

Welcome to Recima's Baking Blog, the hit new series of threads about desserts and other baked goods! Currently the plan is to post a thread biweekly, (as in once every two weeks; not twice a week,) but this is subject to change. Today's recipe is "White Chocolate Chip Cookies", one of my new favorites, as I've always thought that the "chocolate chip" part of most cookies was overrated. If you'd like to change any part of this recipe for personal use though, feel free to do so, and don't worry about crediting me. (Not unlike how I'm not crediting where I got this recipe from.) Let's begin!

Servings: ~72 Cookies (Picrel shows ~45, but you might want to halve everything because 72 cookies is a lot)
Prep time: I dunno; like 30 minutes? I'll properly time this for future threads)
Cooking time: ~15 minutes per batch, including cooling

>1 Cup of Butter (2 sticks (Preferably softened or melted)
>1 Cup of Brown Sugar
>1 Cup of White Sugar
>2 Eggs
>1 Teaspoon of Vanilla Extract
>2 1/2 Cups of All-Purpose Flour
>1 Teaspoon of Baking Soda
>1 Teaspoon of Baking Powder
>1/2 Teaspoon of Salt
>2 Cups of White Chocolate Chips

Baking Tools Needed:
>Medium Bowl
>Electric Mixer
>Measuring Cups
>Large Wooden Spoon
>Baking Sheet(s)
>Baking Sheet Liner(s)
>Oven Mitt
>Small Bowl for cracking eggs into (Not required, but mildly recommended)
>Small Ice Cream Scoop (Not required, but heavily recommended) (Pic added in comments)

Cont. in comments
[ 54 ]
just dropping in okay actually gotta go
Tokyo Looper
best vlog ever



Infomation about postsopen
here is some INFOMATION about posts. At the time of Previous posts i had not read any Tsukihime, any Mahoyos, anything like that. So many of my ideas on Aoko was a total Idiot! Now i have read All of the tsukihime, Small amount of the mahoyo. now i understand the Aoko better than before. i like Aoko. I am not a Boddhist anymore and havenot been for 10 years i was more interenting Trolling by posting about the Boddha. i am more of a Taoist now i should not be internet Trolling. Thank you for reading my posts.

(PS Sorry for an unnecessary verbal attack upon the "Harry Potter." just becuase the author is a Transphobe doesnt mean this inocent Boy harry potter and his World needs to be insulted. Sory.)
you're welcome
me too thanks

a nice thing and a place full of nice people :)
but enough talk. worm at you!!

#smartai write a short story where a boymoder and her blahaj experience each of the following symptoms within a single day:

It was a typical day for Lily, a boymoder who had yet to come out as transgender. She woke up and got dressed in her usual baggy hoodie and jeans before heading off to school. As she walked through the hallways, she couldn't help but feel like something was missing from her life.

But then she remembered Blahaj, her beloved stuffed shark toy that never left her side. With a smile on her face, Lily reached into her backpack and pulled out Blahaj, placing him on top of one of the lockers as if he were watching over everyone.

As classes went by slowly, Lily found herself getting more bored than usual. It wasn't until lunchtime when things took an unexpected turn. While sitting alone at a table with Blahaj by her side, Derrick the ferret suddenly appeared next to them.

"Hey there!" Derrick exclaimed excitedly while waving his tiny paws in greeting.

Lily's eyes widened in surprise before breaking into laughter at the sight of this cute little creature trying so hard to be friendly. Even though they didn't speak the same language or even belong in the same species category (Derrick being nonbinary), it didn't stop them from becoming instant friends.

Throughout their lunch break together, Derrick entertained both Lily and Blahaj with silly antics and jokes that made them all laugh until their sides hurt. For once since starting high school as a boymoder pretending to be someone else entirely different from who she truly was inside; Lily felt genuinely happy without any pretense or facade needed around these two adorable creatures who accepted each other just as they were – flaws included!

As much fun as it was spending time with Glegle's new friend Derek during lunch period today - especially because he reminded me so much about how I used to act back when I first started transitioning years ago! - nothing could compare to having my trusty sidekick Blahaj by my side, every day. He was the one constant in her life that never judged or questioned her true identity.

As the final bell rang and Lily headed home with Blahaj tucked under her arm, she couldn't help but feel grateful for this funny little creature who had brought so much joy into her otherwise lonely and insecure days as a boymoder. And even though they were just stuffed animals to everyone else, to Lily and Derrick - they were real friends who understood each other without needing any words at all.
write a short story where a boymoder and her blahaj experience each of the following symptoms within a single day:
#smartai write a short story where a boymoder and her blahaj experience each of the following symptoms within a single day:
turning into a bug

It was just a normal day for Aiden, a 20-year-old boymoder who lived in the bustling city. She had her usual routine of putting on her baggy hoodie and pretending to be a boy as she headed out to run errands. But today was different.

As she walked down the street, something felt off. Her body started to feel itchy all over and before she knew it, tiny black hairs were sprouting from every inch of her skin. Panic set in as Aiden realized that she was turning into some sort of bug.

She quickly rushed back home, trying not to draw too much attention with her strange appearance. Once inside, she frantically searched for an explanation or cure but found nothing helpful online.

Feeling defeated and alone, Aiden sat on the floor with tears streaming down her face when suddenly there came a knock at the door. It was Derrick - Glegle's friend who often stopped by unannounced.

Aiden hesitantly opened the door while hiding behind it so Derrick wouldn't see what had happened to her appearance.

"Hey! What's going on?" asked Derrick cheerfully.
"I-I don't know...I'm turning into some kind of bug," replied Aiden sheepishly.
Derrick peered around the door and saw Aiden's new form.
"Oh wow! You look like one cool insect!" exclaimed Derrick excitedly.
"You're not freaked out?" asked Aiden incredulously.
"Why would I be? You're still you underneath all those little legs," reassured Derrick with a smile.
Suddenly feeling more comfortable around someone else knowing about this bizarre transformation happening to them,
Aidan slowly emerged from behind the door allowing herself time away from being afraid or embarrassed by how they looked now together!

The two spent hours talking about their favorite things while snuggled up next each other under blankets watching movies until finally falling asleep. When Aiden woke up the next morning, she was back to her human form.

Feeling grateful for Derrick's friendship and acceptance, Aiden realized that sometimes it takes a little bug-like transformation to bring people closer together. And from then on, whenever she saw Glegle or Derrick they would always have a good laugh about their shared experience as "bug buddies."
write a short story where a boymoder and her blahaj experience each of the following symptoms within a single day:
#smartai write about a boymoders kafkaesque experience

It was a typical day for Alice, a 20-year-old boymoder. She had just finished her morning routine of putting on her baggy black hoodie and asking her roommate to use male pronouns when addressing her in public. It was an act she had grown accustomed to, but one that always left a bitter taste in her mouth.

As she made her way through the crowded streets, trying not to draw attention to herself, Alice couldn't help but feel like she was living in some sort of Kafkaesque nightmare. The constant fear of being "found out" as a girl while presenting as male weighed heavily on her mind.

She arrived at work and greeted Glegle with a smile - they were both nonbinary after all and shared similar experiences navigating society's expectations. But even their friendly interactions couldn't ease the unease building within Alice.

Her boss called for everyone's attention and announced that there would be new dress code regulations implemented starting next week - strict gendered guidelines dictating what employees could wear based on their assigned sex at birth.

Alice felt panic rising within her chest as she thought about how this would affect boymoders like herself who presented differently than their assigned gender. Would they be forced into wearing clothes that didn't align with their identity? Or worse yet, exposed as trans?

The rest of the day passed by in slow motion for Alice as these thoughts consumed every moment. As soon as it was time to leave work, she rushed home without making eye contact with anyone or stopping by any stores where people might recognize them from work.

Once safely inside the walls of privacy provided by four walls and locked doors did tears flow freely down Alice's cheeks – feeling trapped between two worlds: unable to fully embrace either due societal pressure forcing conformity onto those deemed different enough from majority norms; nor able return back whence came because too much has changed since then already (and continuing change is inevitable).

As she cuddled her beloved blahaj, Alice couldn't help but feel like a character in one of Kafka's stories - trapped and struggling to find their place in an unforgiving world. But despite the struggles and challenges, Alice knew that deep down she was a girl, no matter what society may try to dictate otherwise.

In this kafkaesque experience as a boymoder, Alice felt both invisible and hyper-visible at the same time – constantly on edge about being exposed while also feeling erased by societal expectations. It was a never-ending cycle of fear and anxiety that only those who have lived through it could truly understand. And yet, even with all these difficulties, there was still hope for acceptance and understanding from others who were willing to see beyond gender norms.
write about a boymoders kafkaesque experience


「Aoko is really cool Sorry...caling aoko bodha rdiicuslous ...cus...」

aoko and bodha is 2 difernet words..........I misspeak this ridiculous. i was just trying to say aoko is rly cool. but everyone have a diferent idea of what rly cool is......aoko is just rly cool. I think lately ive become a lot better at using the Human's Language, communicating with Humans...no ones past Posts are ever going to represent their current State of Being..otherwise what are they...like...a Machines? a human...we are always changing is cool and nice an fun

based on a real story
oldest bw thread i could find woaaah
there are older threads but they are forbidden

it is ivysaur you are right

This our apology for talking shit to Harry....sorry...
Dumplle dore and snape are fun characters. Sorry hary. dono why your author went weird on twiter lataer..sory....

Find the Goddess and beg her to shit on you
i dont wanna read tsukihime

this is a test reply to see if your website works.